Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Its we, smiling and happy always

Aye bachaalu, i know these days i dont behave the way i used to earlier but the only reason for that is that i m really planning sum thing better for both of us!
I know it cant b done in one day, but trust me i m doing what ever it requires to do it.
My love for you has not changed, u r my life so please understand the day when i stop loving you wud b my last day thats for sure cos i cant help it, i know for a fact that we both love each other like crazy so theres no reason to stop loving you. And ys, i make a promise that you would die before me, he he:) m not going to do anything stuupid after getting such a wunderful person like u in my life.

I just wanna say thank you for all the love you have for me and i know for a fact that u know how much i love you.

Bachaalu, this post is a dedication not for u, not for me, but for our intense love,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Together 4 ever smiling like this

Hey bachaa, hope that we stay smiling and i could hold you in my arms and get my jhappu always. Touch Wood he he!!!!!!!

Nice too see the spark in your eyes aswell, hope i could maintain it always!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

SHONA - I TRUELY MEAN IT - Because of You.....

Because of you i am no longer alone
Never again looking for that place of my own
The tears i now cry will be only of love
you were my gift sent from above

Because Of you I can live my life free
destined for eachother from now til eternity
One specail woman my hopes I'll now share
This chance at love is unique and rare

Because of you all my dreams to be fullfilled
All hopes and prayers these feelings cant yeild
Because of you our love will forever grow
and with this in mind i think you should know

Know that I love you with all of my heart
From this day til forever we will never part
all of my prayers were answered with you
From now til forever I will always love you