Thursday, January 12, 2012

All the Best..

Hey Mera Jhappu,

On Monday you would be starting your new work, so i wish you all the best.

Its just a poem but i really mean it and i dedicate it to you,

May your Career
Bring you old friends and new,
To share your pleasures,
To stand with you during your trials
And to rejoice with you in your triumphs.

May it bring you a mind always awed
By the simple things, yet questioning,
Curious and still unafraid of change.

May your Career sustain
Your consuming desire for truth,
Anchored first by honesty,
And for justice, tempered with mercy.

May you find the grace to forgive and
The humility to be forgiven,
Unending confidence, courage and pride,
Ever buoyant through your own magnanimity,
With clarity of your sense of responsibility,
Leavened with lightheartedness.

May you seek greater meaning and
Find higher purpose.
May your heart be trusting
And your outlook bright, even when assailed
By seemingly overwhelming odds.

May those around you be inspired
By your enthusiasm, your aliveness,
Your ability to find miracles in the obvious,
As well as in unexpected people and places,
To see the goodness in everyday occurrences,
And to hear the brilliant in common conversation.

May you always keep within reach
Of your abiding sense of humor,
Finding the ridiculous first in yourself,
As then in life around you,
Being entertained rather than embarrassed by it all,
And sharing generously that delightful gift
To make others laugh.

May your Career be rewarding,
Successful and abundant,
Rich in opportunities for you
To absorb the best of
All your circumstances.

Your's Truely,

Shonu :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Birth day.........

Hey Jhap, we just spent our Birth days together.

It was a great feeling to be with you on this special occasion.

I always wondered,what to do to make your birth day special but i know that you are person who loves me so much that just being together on that special day would be special for you( and its the same feeling that i have).

Just remember one thing jhap that with each year I'll love you more. Remember that your best years are still ahead of you and I'll be there for every up down and in between.

Hope to be you always and would always be,

Your's Only,


Friday, November 25, 2011

Some Good Quotes for us.

A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' come together.It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

Now we will feel no rain, for each of us will be shelter for the other.

"Now we will feel no cold, for each of us will be warmth for the other.

"Now there is no more loneliness, for each of us will be companion for the other.

"Now we are two persons, but there is only one life before us.

"May our days together be good and long upon the earth."

Hey Mrs Bhakti Gala Tripathi

Hi Bhakti, i know i am writing to you after many days today.

But yes i want to Thank you for being an internal part of my life now.

Being married to you is one of the best part of my life and am really happy that we ae together.

Soon we would complete our first anniversay and i promise you our life would just get better and better.

Love you mera jhappu.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hey Bachaalu, Thanks for being there with me

Thank you for everything you did for me…..

Thank you for your care,
Thank you for your support,
Thank you for always being there,
Thank you for your Love.

Thanks for making me smile,
Thanks for making me feel glad
Thanks for coming in my life..

Thanks for every simple words
that made me feel good,
Thanks for understanding me,
Thanks for trusting me,
Thanks for your unselfish care,
Thanks for teaching me
Thanks for everything

THANK YOU SO MUCH Bachaalu for being in my life and Loving me the way you Always Do!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Michhami Dukkadam

Pls Forgive Me..............


My heart aches for how I hurt you
The insensitivity that I showed
Please know I never meant it
I simply did not know

I am not a perfect being
As a person, I make mistakes
But know that I love you
It grows more each passing day

Let’s put the past behind us
Learn how to trust again
For your heart I do not want to break
But embrace for days to come

I want to see this new love grow
Into something more than I can imagine
Please find it in your heart to forgive
These past things that once took place

I am awed that you have chosen me
To share this time in your life
I promise to give you all I have
For a chance to love again